In the country of antipodes (part 2)
In the tropical rainforests on the west coast of Tasmania, places are still preserved where the human foot has never stepped. Therefore, part of the island was included in the…

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Australia. La Perouse
Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois…

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Fifth continent
In no one of the prosperous countries of the world can you find such a combination of prosperity with untouched nature and limitless open spaces ... Today, Aeroflot refused to…

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On Earth, nothing holds

Who said that a hotel must have a solid foundation? A sufficient number of hotels have appeared on the planet, ready to provide their guests with the most unexpected forms of accommodation.

Life in the maze
Underground hotels in their pure form are only in Australia. In the town of White Cliffs in the middle of the rocky wasteland of the New South Wales province – about a thousand kilometers from Sydney and Melbourne – is the Underground Motel, completely knocked out in soft sandstone. The main advantage of the place is its very low humidity and the almost complete absence of rain, these conditions provide the opportunity for a comfortable life underground, as well as the safety of structures. Continue reading

Passion around the kangaroo
Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry…


You can live Korean in Sydney
Wearing a Korean silk dressing gown in your room, having a meal in the restaurant specializing in Korean cuisine, experiencing a traditional Korean massage (with your thumbs) that will immediately…


Passion around the kangaroo
Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry…
