Paradise for two (part 2)
It takes a long time to get here - but it's worth it. Firstly, no one will find you here. Secondly, together you can see what you will not see…

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Kangaroo - for hot, ballerina - for dessert
About Australian cuisine, everyone strives to say some nasty things. "There is no kitchen in Australia!" - the most common option. "This is the same English, only with sand on…

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James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…

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Export bans

Tourists often pick up all sorts of interesting objects on land, on the shore and in the sea that you want to bring as a keepsake – but you can’t! Yes, and having bought some interesting little thing in the store, sometimes it’s worthwhile to find out in more detail how easily and unhindered it can be taken out of the country. This article contains the most popular tourist “souvenirs”, the export of which should be especially vigilant. Continue reading

What and how in Australia
So, you flew to Australia. You do not need to take products, seeds, plants with you - they will not let you through. It is better to present a can…


Travel Information
Season. In Australia, the opposite is true: summer is from November to March, and winter is from May to September. The best time to travel is our winter. Visa. A…


Australia. La Perouse
Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois…
