Australian cuisine
Australian cuisine is one of the most exotic and diverse in the world. Its possibilities range from meat pies and vegetarian sandwiches to kangaroo fillets with young beetroot shoots and…

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Australia. Leichgardt
By sending Sir Arthur Phillip and the first batch of convicts to explore Australia, the British government had little idea where these people were going. The only reliable information about…

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Export bans
Tourists often pick up all sorts of interesting objects on land, on the shore and in the sea that you want to bring as a keepsake - but you can’t!…

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Wines of Australia

The wine industry is the most dynamic industry in the Australian economy, and has undergone major changes over the past 40 years. If in the 50s the average Australian drank only one glass of wine a year, now he drinks about two bottles.

It should be noted that in 1965 the number of winemakers was very small, only six campaigns were engaged in the production of table wine, but by 1999 their number had increased to 109. Now Australia’s share in the world wine market is 2%, but by 2025 the goal is to achieve 6.5% . Continue reading

Hunt: Pure Australian killings
Hunting is a weird entertainment. It seems to be cruel, but on the other hand it’s a natural male occupation, the most vital justification. Someone today is hunting for bread,…


Toilet world map
Any tourist, and not only a tourist, especially in a big city, is familiar with an obscene simple problem, which usually arises almost suddenly and extremely sharply. It is called…


Australia. La Perouse
Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois…
