Wines of Australia
The wine industry is the most dynamic industry in the Australian economy, and has undergone major changes over the past 40 years. If in the 50s the average Australian drank…

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The birth of the Melbourne bath
When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call ... local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate…

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Passion around the kangaroo
Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry…

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Wines of Australia

The wine industry is the most dynamic industry in the Australian economy, and has undergone major changes over the past 40 years. If in the 50s the average Australian drank only one glass of wine a year, now he drinks about two bottles.

It should be noted that in 1965 the number of winemakers was very small, only six campaigns were engaged in the production of table wine, but by 1999 their number had increased to 109. Now Australia’s share in the world wine market is 2%, but by 2025 the goal is to achieve 6.5% . Continue reading

Diving for dummies
If you have already visited all corners of the globe, it's time to go down under the water. Diving will open new unfamiliar worlds and give a lot of unusual…


Aboriginal meat
In the last century, Australia was called the "country of convicts" - dangerous criminals were sent here from England. Later the continent began to be settled by immigrants from other…


The day Australia freezes
Every year on the first Tuesday of November, Australia inevitably falls into a slight insanity. It covers the country for 142 years, long passed directly with genes. They are waiting…
