This deadly Australia
Most people in Australia are accustomed to the neighborhood of deadly creatures, perceiving them as familiar everyday life. But actually it’s just amazing how many of the creatures that inhabit…

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Finance Phantom platform
Travel Information
Season. In Australia, the opposite is true: summer is from November to March, and winter is from May to September. The best time to travel is our winter. Visa. A…

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In the country of antipodes (part 3)
A curious story of the origin of the name of the kangaroo, possibly mythical. James Cook, who "discovered" Australia a second time, wrote in his diary in 1770 about a…

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In the coral jungle

The coral sea, washing the northeast coast of Australia, got its name because of the abundance of coral reefs and islands. The Great Barrier Reef, stretching along the northeast coast of Australia for 2,000 kilometers, is the most unique coral formation in the world. The width of the reef in the northern part is on average two kilometers; to the south it increases, reaching 150 kilometers in places. The reef is separated from the mainland by a lagoon, the depth of which reaches 50 meters. The Great Barrier Reef is intersected by natural canals and ducts.

The opening of the underwater ridge Continue reading

What and how in Australia
So, you flew to Australia. You do not need to take products, seeds, plants with you - they will not let you through. It is better to present a can…


Australia toughens laws for students
In December, the Australian government tightened legislation regulating the rights of international students in the country. Previously, a person enrolled in an Australian educational institution received a student visa, which…


The day Australia freezes
Every year on the first Tuesday of November, Australia inevitably falls into a slight insanity. It covers the country for 142 years, long passed directly with genes. They are waiting…
