By sending Sir Arthur Phillip and the first batch of convicts to explore Australia, the British government had little idea where these people were going. The only reliable information about…

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Eucalyptus picks
Koalas are very similar to cute bears, and the name of the species to which these animals belong may suggest that they are relatives of clubfoot. Although in fact, this…

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James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…

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Fifth continent
In no one of the prosperous countries of the world can you find such a combination of prosperity with untouched nature and limitless open spaces ... Today, Aeroflot refused to…


Sydney - Walking Upside Down
"A peasant at the Australian embassy is asked: Do you have a criminal record ?, and he answered: And what, do you still need a criminal record to get an…


Crocodile lunch among eucalyptus trees
From Russia to Australia fly eighteen hours, with two transfers. This is if you choose a shortened route - through Tokyo. And if you get to the fifth continent via…
