In the country of antipodes (part 2)
In the tropical rainforests on the west coast of Tasmania, places are still preserved where the human foot has never stepped. Therefore, part of the island was included in the…

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Travel Information
Season. In Australia, the opposite is true: summer is from November to March, and winter is from May to September. The best time to travel is our winter. Visa. A…

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Australian cuisine
Australian cuisine is one of the most exotic and diverse in the world. Its possibilities range from meat pies and vegetarian sandwiches to kangaroo fillets with young beetroot shoots and…

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What and how in Australia

So, you flew to Australia. You do not need to take products, seeds, plants with you – they will not let you through. It is better to present a can of caviar at customs. If the packaging is not broken, they will skip. It’s better to immediately declare money. If there are less than $ 10,000, there will be no questions; if there are more, our customs declaration must be presented, where they are indicated. It’s not worth taking animals with you. A person’s friend must be quarantined for six months before crossing the Australian border.


try to mine gold. In places that survived the gold rush in the last century, a goldfish is found today. To live in a hut without light, with a primitive stove, with the equipment of a single miner;
learn to jump with a parachute. This is a popular sport here; there are many international skydiving competitions in Australia;
go kayaking down mountain rivers. Also a popular pastime: world championships have been held more than once here;
fly in balloons. They hang in the sky of Australia continuously;
learn to scuba dive. They will help and even issue a certificate, however, without the right to be an instructor in this dangerous form of leisure;
take golf, tennis, cricket lessons;
Drive your rental car across Australia – ten days is enough, but memories!
to catch fish from the soul both in the sea and in the rivers;
rock climbing. Zealots of this affair flock here from all over the world;
go sledding … from the sand dunes!
POPULATION – 17.5 million people., The average population density – 2 people per 1 square. km

AREA – 7.7 million square meters. km

LENGTH from east to west – 4025 km, from north to south – 3220 km.

CLIMATE. Most of the territory lies in the tropics, the northern regions – in subequatorial latitudes, the south-west – in the subtropics. Average temperatures in July are from 12 to 20 ° C, in January – from 20 to 30 ° C or more.

STATE DEVICE – Federation, consists of 6 states and 2 national territories. The capital is Canberra.

MONEY – Australian Dollar. One US dollar costs 1 dollar 34 cents of Austria.

HOURS OF OPERATION. Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.30, on Thursday – until 20.30, on Saturday and Sunday – from 9.00 to 15.30. Banks are open Monday through Thursday – from 9.30 to 16.00, on Friday – until 17.00.


Ambulance, fire department, police – 000, Weather and water temperature 901-7996, Fire safety 11-540, Information about exchange rates 312-0945, Translation services 221-1111,


General (about phone numbers and addresses) 013, Metro (trains) 13-1500, Buses and steamboats 13-1315, About things forgotten in transport 360-9224


A conversation from a vending machine per minute is $ 2.20, from a hotel – 30% more expensive, Taxi call – $ 1.00, Jeans – from $ 60-80, Kodak film – from $ 6-10, Lunch in a good restaurant – $ 15-20, Dinner without drinks – $ 25-40, Weekly stay in Sydney in a 3-star hotel for two – $ 525-560, in a group (6-8 people) – $ 450-480. Possible surcharges of $ 100 for ocean views, $ 200-300 for single occupancy or per child.

Sydney in full swing Olympic price race
Australian real estate agents joke that the Sydney luxury housing market is now as hot as the Olympic flame, which is supposed to light up the sky over this city…


Country of Shooting Cops
First of all, I want to say that Australia, despite the fact that the basis of its pale-faced population is the descendants of exiled convicts, is also an uninteresting country.…


Automatic instead of the border guard
According to the forecasts of Australian statisticians, in the summer of 2000, during the Olympic Games in Sydney, the flow of foreign tourists to Australia will increase approximately threefold. Moreover,…
