Passion around the kangaroo
Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry…

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In Australia, it's cheaper
The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs…

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Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world
To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds - for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that's why the legend of the Tower of…

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Eucalyptus picks

Koalas are very similar to cute bears, and the name of the species to which these animals belong may suggest that they are relatives of clubfoot. Although in fact, this is completely wrong.

Australia is a unique island country spanning an entire continent. It separated from land, including Africa, South America and Australia itself, about 50 million years ago. Over the next 50 million years, this Green Continent, being completely isolated from other parts of the globe, remained in prehistoric prosperity. Charles Darwin, who visited the shores of Australia in 1836 on the Beagle, was extremely amazed to see there the oldest representatives of mammals, living witnesses to the evolution of species – marsupials and ovipositors. Continue reading

In Australia, it's cheaper
The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs…


Education in Australia - not just for Aboriginal people (part 2)
Enrolling in Australian private schools is easy - just have money, know English and get an interview. Moreover, if you show your best side during the interview, you will be…


Hunt: Pure Australian killings
Hunting is a weird entertainment. It seems to be cruel, but on the other hand it’s a natural male occupation, the most vital justification. Someone today is hunting for bread,…
