In Australia, it's cheaper
The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs…

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Death in Venice - Life in Australia
Unconventional sexual orientation today has ceased to be a cause for criminal prosecution. But it is still annoying the masses who are not familiar with Thomas Mann’s short story “Death…

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Toilet world map
Any tourist, and not only a tourist, especially in a big city, is familiar with an obscene simple problem, which usually arises almost suddenly and extremely sharply. It is called…

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Passion around the kangaroo

Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry is booming, recently earning $ 128 million a year.

Australia has always had a difficult relationship with its marsupial shrine. She, along with the ostrich Amy, flaunts on the arms of the country, entire generations of children grew up in 1960 and 1970 on the television series about Skippy, like the series Lassie, familiar to Russian viewers. The Australians themselves call themselves “Wallaby”, just like not the largest kangaroos (as New Zealanders call themselves “Kiwi”).

But farmers consider them pests and complain that they eat sheep and poison crops. And drivers in rural areas are forced to stop with sunset on the sidelines before dawn, so as not to run into the swift symbols of the state. Continue reading

Sydney in full swing Olympic price race
Australian real estate agents joke that the Sydney luxury housing market is now as hot as the Olympic flame, which is supposed to light up the sky over this city…


In the country of antipodes (part 2)
In the tropical rainforests on the west coast of Tasmania, places are still preserved where the human foot has never stepped. Therefore, part of the island was included in the…


Australia. Leichgardt
By sending Sir Arthur Phillip and the first batch of convicts to explore Australia, the British government had little idea where these people were going. The only reliable information about…
