Eucalyptus picks
Koalas are very similar to cute bears, and the name of the species to which these animals belong may suggest that they are relatives of clubfoot. Although in fact, this…

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James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…

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Accessible or inaccessible country of Oz?
Every year, Australia is becoming an increasingly closed country in terms of immigration. The requirements for immigrant candidates are being tightened, the “passing” score is steadily increasing, quotas are being…

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Australia toughens laws for students

In December, the Australian government tightened legislation regulating the rights of international students in the country. Previously, a person enrolled in an Australian educational institution received a student visa, which allowed him to get a job immediately upon arrival (students are allowed to work up to 20 hours a week during school hours and full-time during the holidays). From now on, a student visa does not mean an automatic right to work. The student must first establish himself well at the place of study and residence – and only then submit an application for work permit to the appropriate authorities. Continue reading

Passion around the kangaroo

Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry is booming, recently earning $ 128 million a year.

Australia has always had a difficult relationship with its marsupial shrine. She, along with the ostrich Amy, flaunts on the arms of the country, entire generations of children grew up in 1960 and 1970 on the television series about Skippy, like the series Lassie, familiar to Russian viewers. The Australians themselves call themselves “Wallaby”, just like not the largest kangaroos (as New Zealanders call themselves “Kiwi”).

But farmers consider them pests and complain that they eat sheep and poison crops. And drivers in rural areas are forced to stop with sunset on the sidelines before dawn, so as not to run into the swift symbols of the state. Continue reading

This deadly Australia
Most people in Australia are accustomed to the neighborhood of deadly creatures, perceiving them as familiar everyday life. But actually it’s just amazing how many of the creatures that inhabit…


This deadly Australia
Most people in Australia are accustomed to the neighborhood of deadly creatures, perceiving them as familiar everyday life. But actually it’s just amazing how many of the creatures that inhabit…


Australia. La Perouse
Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois…
