Quisland: from jellyfish to ram lizard
What is Queensland? One of the five states of Australia with a subtropical climate, miles of beaches, the lights of luxury hotels, the noise of the ocean tide and the…

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The birth of the Melbourne bath
When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call ... local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate…

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Death in Venice - Life in Australia
Unconventional sexual orientation today has ceased to be a cause for criminal prosecution. But it is still annoying the masses who are not familiar with Thomas Mann’s short story “Death…

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Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world

To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds – for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that’s why the legend of the Tower of Babel arose. And when technology allowed, man began to create what brought him closer to the sky – skyscrapers.

Every year, megacities of the world compete in the construction of their “towers of Babel.” For example, on March 30, the Tokyo Midtown Tower opened in the Japanese capital. An architectural masterpiece 248 meters high – the highest in Tokyo, which is already famous for its skyscrapers – is located in the Tokyo district of Roppongi. In the new center, tourists can not only make purchases and eat delicious food in 130 shops and restaurants of the tower, but also if they wish to settle in it. Continue reading

Toilet world map
Any tourist, and not only a tourist, especially in a big city, is familiar with an obscene simple problem, which usually arises almost suddenly and extremely sharply. It is called…


Australian cuisine
Australian cuisine is one of the most exotic and diverse in the world. Its possibilities range from meat pies and vegetarian sandwiches to kangaroo fillets with young beetroot shoots and…


Toilet world map
Any tourist, and not only a tourist, especially in a big city, is familiar with an obscene simple problem, which usually arises almost suddenly and extremely sharply. It is called…
