In the coral jungle
The coral sea, washing the northeast coast of Australia, got its name because of the abundance of coral reefs and islands. The Great Barrier Reef, stretching along the northeast coast…

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Country of Shooting Cops
First of all, I want to say that Australia, despite the fact that the basis of its pale-faced population is the descendants of exiled convicts, is also an uninteresting country.…

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Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world
To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds - for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that's why the legend of the Tower of…

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On Earth, nothing holds

Who said that a hotel must have a solid foundation? A sufficient number of hotels have appeared on the planet, ready to provide their guests with the most unexpected forms of accommodation.

Life in the maze
Underground hotels in their pure form are only in Australia. In the town of White Cliffs in the middle of the rocky wasteland of the New South Wales province – about a thousand kilometers from Sydney and Melbourne – is the Underground Motel, completely knocked out in soft sandstone. The main advantage of the place is its very low humidity and the almost complete absence of rain, these conditions provide the opportunity for a comfortable life underground, as well as the safety of structures. Continue reading

Toilet world map
Any tourist, and not only a tourist, especially in a big city, is familiar with an obscene simple problem, which usually arises almost suddenly and extremely sharply. It is called…


What and how in Australia
So, you flew to Australia. You do not need to take products, seeds, plants with you - they will not let you through. It is better to present a can…


The birth of the Melbourne bath
When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call ... local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate…
