Sydney in full swing Olympic price race
Australian real estate agents joke that the Sydney luxury housing market is now as hot as the Olympic flame, which is supposed to light up the sky over this city…

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Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world
To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds - for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that's why the legend of the Tower of…

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Kangaroo - for hot, ballerina - for dessert
About Australian cuisine, everyone strives to say some nasty things. "There is no kitchen in Australia!" - the most common option. "This is the same English, only with sand on…

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The birth of the Melbourne bath

When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call … local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate of the ancient world was often decided, but on the scale of our country their footprint is very noticeable,” they say. “Although the history of our baths is not so long – only a century and a half.”

The first line in the Australian “bathhouse chronicle” entered the 200-ton Swedish brig “Nancy”, stranded near the Melbourne coast near Fitzroy Street. The place was called Green Hill, but immigrants from Europe, who mastered the new continent, dubbed it a bathhouse. It is here, as historical chronicles testify, that the builders of the young city hurried in special trailers in order to have a rest by the sea after a busy day, to wash off dust and dirt. In the cabins, they changed clothes and through the hole-hole in the stern entered the water, on the allocated “washing area”. Continue reading

Fifth continent
In no one of the prosperous countries of the world can you find such a combination of prosperity with untouched nature and limitless open spaces ... Today, Aeroflot refused to…


Paradise for two (part 2)
It takes a long time to get here - but it's worth it. Firstly, no one will find you here. Secondly, together you can see what you will not see…


James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…
