Top 5 Sydney Restaurants with Best Views
One of the privileges of traveling to a city like Sydney is that it’s easy to find a table at which you can eat fantastic food at the same time,…

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Passion around the kangaroo
Despite high-profile protests by wildlife advocates, the Australian government raised the quota for kangaroo shooting this year, setting it at 6.9 million animals. The Australian kangaroo meat and leather industry…

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In the coral jungle
The coral sea, washing the northeast coast of Australia, got its name because of the abundance of coral reefs and islands. The Great Barrier Reef, stretching along the northeast coast…

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class soap dishes

The birth of the Melbourne bath

When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call … local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate of the ancient world was often decided, but on the scale of our country their footprint is very noticeable,” they say. “Although the history of our baths is not so long – only a century and a half.”

The first line in the Australian “bathhouse chronicle” entered the 200-ton Swedish brig “Nancy”, stranded near the Melbourne coast near Fitzroy Street. The place was called Green Hill, but immigrants from Europe, who mastered the new continent, dubbed it a bathhouse. It is here, as historical chronicles testify, that the builders of the young city hurried in special trailers in order to have a rest by the sea after a busy day, to wash off dust and dirt. In the cabins, they changed clothes and through the hole-hole in the stern entered the water, on the allocated “washing area”. Continue reading

Sydney - Walking Upside Down
"A peasant at the Australian embassy is asked: Do you have a criminal record ?, and he answered: And what, do you still need a criminal record to get an…


How can a Russian citizen in Australia not become a "deprived person"
The Australian newspaper Herald recently reported that over the past six months, 1,869 foreigners studying in Australia have been denied visas and deported from the country. According to the Australian…


Where better to relax for the New Year
More and more Russians go on New Year's holidays on a journey - in their own country or abroad. The meeting of the familiar home, family holiday outside the walls…
