How can a Russian citizen in Australia not become a "deprived person"
The Australian newspaper Herald recently reported that over the past six months, 1,869 foreigners studying in Australia have been denied visas and deported from the country. According to the Australian…

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Aboriginal meat
In the last century, Australia was called the "country of convicts" - dangerous criminals were sent here from England. Later the continent began to be settled by immigrants from other…

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This deadly Australia
Most people in Australia are accustomed to the neighborhood of deadly creatures, perceiving them as familiar everyday life. But actually it’s just amazing how many of the creatures that inhabit…

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Australia. La Perouse

Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois Gallo de Laperouse. But what is the connection between him and Australia? The fact is that after Laperouse sailed from these shores in January 1788, no one else saw him alive. The brave French captain disappeared forever, although further, frankly, not very active searches and gave some information about what could happen to him.

The first European researchers found in Australia neither silver, nor gold, nor spices, nor other useful things. At first glance, this southern land in the Pacific was completely useless. James Cook, who joined New South Wales to the British crown, did not even find fresh water here. At first, he generally decided that this continent was unsuitable for life. Continue reading

Sydney - Walking Upside Down
"A peasant at the Australian embassy is asked: Do you have a criminal record ?, and he answered: And what, do you still need a criminal record to get an…


Sea in Sydney Print
It is hard to imagine that the vibrant capital of New South Wales, with its impressive harbor, the white sails of the Opera House and the graceful arch of Harbor…


Death in Venice - Life in Australia
Unconventional sexual orientation today has ceased to be a cause for criminal prosecution. But it is still annoying the masses who are not familiar with Thomas Mann’s short story “Death…
