Education in Australia - not just for Aboriginal people (part 2)
Enrolling in Australian private schools is easy - just have money, know English and get an interview. Moreover, if you show your best side during the interview, you will be…

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Crocodile lunch among eucalyptus trees
From Russia to Australia fly eighteen hours, with two transfers. This is if you choose a shortened route - through Tokyo. And if you get to the fifth continent via…

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In the country of antipodes (part 1)
There are so many green turtles on the Australian island of Heron in the Great Barrier Reef area that the water is literally teeming with them. Their population here is…

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Sakhalin and Hokkaido

Australia. La Perouse

Not far from Sydney on the coast, in the area of ​​Botany Bay, stands a high stone stele. It was erected in honor of the great French navigator Jean Francois Gallo de Laperouse. But what is the connection between him and Australia? The fact is that after Laperouse sailed from these shores in January 1788, no one else saw him alive. The brave French captain disappeared forever, although further, frankly, not very active searches and gave some information about what could happen to him.

The first European researchers found in Australia neither silver, nor gold, nor spices, nor other useful things. At first glance, this southern land in the Pacific was completely useless. James Cook, who joined New South Wales to the British crown, did not even find fresh water here. At first, he generally decided that this continent was unsuitable for life. Continue reading

Education in Australia - not just for Aboriginal people (part 1)
Russian students have recently discovered Australian education. But last year, about a hundred Russians left to study in Australia, and over thirty in the first four months of this year.…


In the country of antipodes (part 1)
There are so many green turtles on the Australian island of Heron in the Great Barrier Reef area that the water is literally teeming with them. Their population here is…


Paradise for two (part 2)
It takes a long time to get here - but it's worth it. Firstly, no one will find you here. Secondly, together you can see what you will not see…
