Quisland: from jellyfish to ram lizard
What is Queensland? One of the five states of Australia with a subtropical climate, miles of beaches, the lights of luxury hotels, the noise of the ocean tide and the…

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Export bans
Tourists often pick up all sorts of interesting objects on land, on the shore and in the sea that you want to bring as a keepsake - but you can’t!…

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In the country of antipodes (part 3)
A curious story of the origin of the name of the kangaroo, possibly mythical. James Cook, who "discovered" Australia a second time, wrote in his diary in 1770 about a…

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skiing routes

Where better to relax for the New Year

More and more Russians go on New Year’s holidays on a journey – in their own country or abroad. The meeting of the familiar home, family holiday outside the walls of your apartment is a new trend in the winter tourist season of recent years. To make the New Year’s Eve unforgettable, it is not necessary to go to exotic countries – Russia offers many interesting winter destinations and routes. As a rule, the choice of tourists depends on both financial circumstances and the availability of documents – passports and visas.

New Year holiday themes
New Year holidays can be very interesting and varied. For example, many Russians will travel to Europe, where they will visit museums, excursions and walk around the cities of Austria, Germany, Denmark and other countries decorated for Christmas. Continue reading

James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…


Australia. Leichgardt
By sending Sir Arthur Phillip and the first batch of convicts to explore Australia, the British government had little idea where these people were going. The only reliable information about…


Wines of Australia
The wine industry is the most dynamic industry in the Australian economy, and has undergone major changes over the past 40 years. If in the 50s the average Australian drank…
