Australia in which dreams come true
..And don’t tell me that this is a stamp that is indecent to use in a decent magazine. Because in Australia, my most important, most childhood dream came true. Behind…

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In the country of antipodes (part 3)
A curious story of the origin of the name of the kangaroo, possibly mythical. James Cook, who "discovered" Australia a second time, wrote in his diary in 1770 about a…

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In the country of antipodes (part 1)
There are so many green turtles on the Australian island of Heron in the Great Barrier Reef area that the water is literally teeming with them. Their population here is…

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unique balance

Australia: top view

Australia is a paradoxical place, full of strange, unlike anything else. To begin with, one of its youngest countries is located on one of the oldest existing continents of the world. Moreover, this is the only state that occupies a whole continent and “by land” does not border any other. Compared to Europe, Australia is the least populated part of the world, with 2.5 people per 1 square kilometer. On vast uninhabited territories the most ancient mammals, marsupials, almost unchanged over millions of years, live. Wild jungle encircles coastal areas, and penguins and seals splashing here from capes at the southern end of the mainland swim from Antarctica … Continue reading

The birth of the Melbourne bath
When guests of Melbourne are interested in the sights of the city, residents primarily call ... local baths. “Of course, these are not the famous Roman baths, where the fate…


Top 5 Sydney Restaurants with Best Views
One of the privileges of traveling to a city like Sydney is that it’s easy to find a table at which you can eat fantastic food at the same time,…


The day Australia freezes
Every year on the first Tuesday of November, Australia inevitably falls into a slight insanity. It covers the country for 142 years, long passed directly with genes. They are waiting…
