Where better to relax for the New Year
More and more Russians go on New Year's holidays on a journey - in their own country or abroad. The meeting of the familiar home, family holiday outside the walls…

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On Earth, nothing holds
Who said that a hotel must have a solid foundation? A sufficient number of hotels have appeared on the planet, ready to provide their guests with the most unexpected forms…

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Paradise for two (part 2)
It takes a long time to get here - but it's worth it. Firstly, no one will find you here. Secondly, together you can see what you will not see…

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Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world

To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds – for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that’s why the legend of the Tower of Babel arose. And when technology allowed, man began to create what brought him closer to the sky – skyscrapers.

Every year, megacities of the world compete in the construction of their “towers of Babel.” For example, on March 30, the Tokyo Midtown Tower opened in the Japanese capital. An architectural masterpiece 248 meters high – the highest in Tokyo, which is already famous for its skyscrapers – is located in the Tokyo district of Roppongi. In the new center, tourists can not only make purchases and eat delicious food in 130 shops and restaurants of the tower, but also if they wish to settle in it. Continue reading

This deadly Australia
Most people in Australia are accustomed to the neighborhood of deadly creatures, perceiving them as familiar everyday life. But actually it’s just amazing how many of the creatures that inhabit…


Automatic instead of the border guard
According to the forecasts of Australian statisticians, in the summer of 2000, during the Olympic Games in Sydney, the flow of foreign tourists to Australia will increase approximately threefold. Moreover,…


James Cook. Discovery of Australia
On April 29, 1770, the heavy and clumsy ship Endeavor anchored in the waters of a charming bay. Among the team of captain James Cook, who went in search of…
