Paradise for two (part 1)
Include travel together in your personal list of classes for lovers - and life will immediately sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow! DT talks about the most romantic…

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Fifth continent
In no one of the prosperous countries of the world can you find such a combination of prosperity with untouched nature and limitless open spaces ... Today, Aeroflot refused to…

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How can a Russian citizen in Australia not become a "deprived person"
The Australian newspaper Herald recently reported that over the past six months, 1,869 foreigners studying in Australia have been denied visas and deported from the country. According to the Australian…

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International Fund for Wildlife Lovers

In Australia, it’s cheaper

The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs for Australian schools and universities and language courses. The branch includes Bellerbys Academic Colleges (Sydney, Gold Cost), Lorrain Martin Professional Colleges (Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Cost, Cairns), Charles Sturt University and Embassy language centers in all these cities.

Schoolchildren host an international training center in Sydney. In the process of studying, the children adapt to new conditions and bring their English knowledge to a level acceptable for admission to an Australian school (the placement service selects the appropriate one – public or private). An Australian school diploma (accepted at any English-language university) can also be obtained at Bellerbys colleges specializing in teaching foreign students. Continue reading

In the country of antipodes (part 2)

In the tropical rainforests on the west coast of Tasmania, places are still preserved where the human foot has never stepped. Therefore, part of the island was included in the list of “World Heritage Sites”. In the late 1980s, a series of stamps was released in Australia dedicated to representatives of the local fauna that are facing extinction. Controversial is the brand with the image of the famous Tasmanian tiger, which is sometimes called the marsupial wolf.

Tilacin, or the Tasmanian marsupial wolf, it is a zebra-shaped possum, it is also a “Tasmanian tiger” – one of those rare animals that a person surrounds with a halo of mystery and seeks to get at any cost. True, the current interest in this beast is somewhat late, since it is most likely posthumous. As far as is known, the last representative of this type of the largest marsupial cats (up to 90 centimeters in length) died in the Zoo in Hobart in 1933. Continue reading

Visiting God: the tallest skyscrapers in the world
To see distant horizons from a height and look down upon clouds and birds - for some reason this attracts many. Maybe that's why the legend of the Tower of…


In Australia, it's cheaper
The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs…


In Australia, it's cheaper
The Australian branch of the Study Group Australia of the largest British educational organization, The British Study Group, accepts international students and schoolchildren from 12 years old on training programs…
